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(International) Results of the International Student Track Demo Day Selection

작성자 : 재단관리자
등록일 : 2024-11-13
조회 : 331

This is the person in charge of the “Student Startup 300 Competition.”

We would like to inform you of the results of the winning team selection from the "International Student Track Demo Day," which was held last week at the BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 in Busan.

Further information on the prize distribution for outstanding teams will be sent separately via individual emails.

□ Value-UP Track(International Student Track) Demo Day


Thank you.



학생 창업유망팀 300 경진대회 담당자입니다.


지난주 부산 벡스코 제2전시장에서 진행되었던, “외국인 유학생 트랙 데모데이” 수상팀 선정 결과를 안내드립니다.


우수팀 상금 지급 관련 사항은 개인메일로 별도 안내드릴 예정입니다.





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