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2023 Promising Student Start-up Team 300 (International Students) presentation screening guide

작성자 : 재단관리자
등록일 : 2023-08-14
조회 : 17521

Hi, this is a Promising Student Start-up Team 300 secretariat.


We inform you about the schedule for Selection of Teams for the integrated finals of ChallengeK for the 「Promising Student Start-up Team 300」 Value-UP Track (International Students).


Through the presentation evaluation, we will select 5 final teams to advance to the 'Challenge! K-Startup 2023 Integrated Finals'.


*The presentation order was randomly assigned by a lottery system.



1. Presentation screening

ㅇ Schedule: August 25th, 2023 (Friday)

ㅇ Method: 3 minute pitching and 5 minute Q&A session per team / Online (ZOOM)

  ※ Please check the attached file for the detailed presentation screening schedule.

  ※ Online link(Zoom) will be informed through Kakao Channel (channel name: 창업유망팀 300(Only Korean)) later, therefore all participants should add the channel.

  ※ The Q&A session will be continued seamlessly after a pitching session.


2. Precautions

ㅇ If you do not attend the presentation screening, you will be eliminated as you are judged to have no intention of participating in this competition.

ㅇ The team representative MUST pitch in the session and if the other member presents on behalf of the team representative, 5 points will be deducted as noticed before.

  ※ You can access the presentation screening link with your team member and any members could answer to the questions in Q&A session.

ㅇ In order to proceed with the presentation screening smoothly, please enter 15 minutes before the presentation begins.

ㅇ Each team is responsible for microphone, camera equipment, and access environment problems. Please make sure to check if it works well.



1. Submission of presentation materials\

ㅇ Submission deadline: Until 3:00 PM on August 24th, 2023 (Thursday)

ㅇ Submission method: Submit in online start-up education platform '자료제출 게시판(Notice for materials)' (u300.kr) - Shortcut link to data submission

  ※ Please fill out the file name of the presentation material with "Value-UP Track (International Students)_University Name_Team Name_Team representative name_Representation Material" and submit it.

  ※ The presentation materials are saved in PPT and converted into PDF files.

  ※ You must submit both PPT and PDF file formats.

  ※ The presentation materials will be used as reference materials for the judges, and if the presentation materials are not submitted, it will be considered that you give up the the presentation screening.


2. Precautions for preparation

ㅇ The presentation screening will be conducted with presentation materials submitted in advance, and it is not possible to change the presentation materials.

ㅇ Animation, video, and paid fonts are not available for presentation materials.

ㅇ Each individual is responsible for the copyright and use of the image used in the presentation material.



- Phone: 02-2156-2289, 2357

- Email: cmchae@koef.or.kr

- Kakao: http://pf.kakao.com/_xiAyNd/chat